"This is not a box" - BOXWAY pitch talk

Arttu Kallio and Kati Sorjanen walk to the stage carrying a plain white cardboard box.

- Hi! My name is Kati, this is my colleague Arttu, and this is not a box.

Arttu places the box on the jury's table.

- That’s right! This may look like a box. It feels like a box. It even sounds like a box. But it's not. This is a way of thinking and this way of thinking can do some extraordinary things like it did for Tieto’s people in Prague.

- We have created a meeting design that changes the way events can be experienced. We call it the BOXWAY ™. It is not about the box itself. It’s about the way you use this box.

- BOXWAY ™ makes you way more creative. Events become like "tabula rasas” - empty canvases - on which your thoughts and ideas can be painted on.

- Boxway makes you way more motivated. Instead of being a passive listener, you become an active subject who shapes the event together with others and you leave your personal mark.

- It makes your event way more effective. There is nothing extra, nothing vain, no sidetracks, just 100% content based and goal-driven action. And it's fun. BOXWAY ™ is a concept that can be scaled and tailored to be used in all kind of events from exhibition booths to meetings, workshops and conventions.

- So what we do is that we use a box to think outside the box. In Prague, BOXWAY ™ changed the way Tieto works. Right now, in this moment, in our ongoing event for the leaders of Helsinki, BOXWAY ™ is changing the way social services are being managed for half a million citizens. This is BOXWAY´s ™ mission: to facilitate change.

Arttu draws a picture of buttocks on the top of the box and, writes "Your Butt?" on it and shows it to the audience.

- Are you brave enough to ride the box? Thank you!

Kati ja Arttu pitivät tämän pitchaus-puheenvuoron EuBeassa 12:lle kansainvälisen tuomariston jäsenelle liveyleisön edessä torstaina 13.10.2016.

Seuraavana päivänä voitimme Meeting design -kategorian tällä tuoreella ja innovatiivisella BOXWAY ™ -konseptillamme, joka kehitettiin Tiedon kick off -tilaisuuteen maaliskuussa 2016.

Tutustu BOXWAY™-konseptiin:

BOXWAY ™ -konsepti palkittiin Euroopan parhaana


Kiinnostuitko BOXWAY ™-konseptista? Laita viesti osoitteeseen tapahtuma@tapahtumantekijat.fi, niin kerromme lisää.

Are you interested? Send a message tapahtuma@tapahtumantekijat.fi, we will tell you more.


Katin ja Artun tunnelmat voiton jälkeen.


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